Stress Release Mantras

Creating a routine with regular intervals of practice can allow you to be more conscious of your mantra, aiding in the effectiveness of the process. Morning (upon waking) and evening (before going to bed) are great times as you are preparing for action or preparing for rest - both of which require mental calm.

If you find yourself stressed at work or overwhelmed in a situation, you can turn to your mantras to help you through. Follow these steps to bring calm back into your life:

1. Find a comfortable space to sit… perhaps you need to walk away from your stressful situation and sit outside or just find a quiet place to gather your thoughts. Where possible, sit cross-legged with your hips elevated and your eyes closed.

2. Focus on your breath but try not to control it.

3. Chant your chosen mantra out loud. You may want to start with ‘OM’ and then use your own specific mantra to suit your situation.

4. You can then sit in silent meditation or continue chanting your mantra - it’s up to you. There are no set rules, timeframes or perfect way. Whatever works for you is the best routine for you.


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