Sleep Right! Sleep Tight!

Sleeping is something you’ve done all your life, but the older you get, the harder it can be to sleep like a baby. Busy schedules, the stresses of work or school, and a hundred other distractions can keep you wide awake.

Building an evening and bedtime routine can be the passageway between a groggy mood and a lively, functional human being.

Sleep is a fundamental component of our lives. It allows us to reset, recharge, and refuel, so that we can make the most of our days. Sleep is an essential ingredient for daily productivity, it is a critical aspect of our mental and physical health as well.

Power down, quiet the mind by powering down all electronics. Televisions, phones, and tablets are not only distracting for hours on end, but inhibit the natural sleep cycle related to their emitting blue light. Disconnect from them when going to bed, or at least have a designated time to switch off the TV and minimize social media outlets.


Sound Is Medicine


Yoga for Stability & Mobility - Yogic Body Vedic Mind