Beauty & Skincare

There are thousands of chemicals in your beauty and skincare products, many of which are being absorbed into your body. Many of these synthetic chemicals are skin irritants, skin penetrators, endocrine disrupters and are carcinogenic.

It's impossible to avoid every single synthetic chemical, but you can do your part in limiting the amount of toxins your body is exposed to. Be sure to eat clean, avoid chemical-laden processed foods, drink plenty of filtered water and look for products that are certified organic if you want to avoid these toxic chemicals.

Educate yourself and do your research before you buy. Think of something you absolutely love, and the time and energy you apply to it. Use the same, when it comes to your health. You have one life to live and one body. If you don't take care of yourself, you may pay for it later in sickness.

The same way you look at food labels, you should do the same for your beauty products. I would love to hear from you.

Do you check your beauty product labels? Will you commit to limiting your exposure to these toxic chemicals?


Full Moon Sacred Sound Meditation


DNS - Do we live in patterns?